Rockefeller Center w Nowym Jorku to największy na świecie kompleks biurowy (743.000 m2 powierzchni użytkowej). Jego budowa rozpoczęła się wraz z wielkim kryzysem. Wielki kryzys, zmienił nieco jego przeznaczenie, gdyż według planów powstałych w bogatszych czasach miały to być budynki nie tylko komercyjne, ale powstać miała tam między innymi siedziba Metropolitan Opera.
English version:
Rockefeller Center in NYC is the world's biggest office complex (over 743.000 m2).
Its building started in times of the Wall Street Crash of 1929. The crisis changed a little bit this place's destiny, because at the beginning Rockeffler wanted here not only bussiness buildings, but also f.e. an opera house for Metropolitan Opera.
The whole complex, finished in 1939 (although 4 towers were built in the '60s and '70s) is a great example of Art Deco style.
Diego Rivera, a famous mexican
painter, has been hired to create murals in one of the buildings.
Rivera, know for his communist interest, made a mural presenting Lenin
with a 1st May March. Nelson Rockeffeler, who was paying for the
painting, tried to convince Diego to change Lenin's face, but Rivera
didn't agree and Rockeffeler removed the painting. He also paid Rivera
for his work, in totally capitalist, green bucks.
Najwyższym budynkiem Rockefeller Center jest GE Building. Na jego szczycie mieści się jeden z najfajniejszych punktów widokowych w Nowym Jorku - Top of the Rock. Widok na miasto jaki się z niego roztacza jest niesamowity i będzie stanowił przedmiot jednego z kolejnych postów na Modernistycznym.
The highest building of Rockefeller Center is GE Building, with one of the most enjoyable observation deck in the whole New York - famous Top of the Rock. The view is amazing and surely will be subject of one of my next posts.

The highest building of Rockefeller Center is GE Building, with one of the most enjoyable observation deck in the whole New York - famous Top of the Rock. The view is amazing and surely will be subject of one of my next posts.
Plakat w nowojorskim metrze. Lepiej zaadoptuj sobie wiewiórkę. Inaczej ona może przyjść po ciebie...
Poster in NYC subway. Let's adopt a squirrel. Or a squirrel will come after you...
Poster in NYC subway. Let's adopt a squirrel. Or a squirrel will come after you...
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