On - komunista, kobieciarz, muralista i architekt. Ona - malarka, kochanka Lwa Trockiego, ze złamanym po wypadku tramwajowym kręgosłupem.
Ich style malarskie znacznie się od siebie różniły, Diego, jak sam twierdził, malował prosto, tylko to co mógł zobaczyć, natomiast w malarstwie Fridy dostrzec można głęboki symbolizm i realne zdarzenia są tylko tłem i pretekstem dla pokazania wewnętrznych przeżyć malarki.
English version:
Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera were one of the most interesting couples in the history of art.
He - a communist, womanizer, mural painter and architect. She - a painter, Leon Trotsky's lover and a women with a spine broken in a tram's accident.
Their art styles could not differ more. Diego, as he said himself, painted simply whatever he could see, but Frida, on the other hand, painted with symbols, real happenings were only backgrounds and excuses to show her own personal feelings.
Ogromny fresk "Polityczna wizja narodu meksykańskiego" Diega Rivery zobaczyć można w Pałacu Narodowym przy placu Zocalo w Mexico City. Przedstawia on historię Meksyku od czasów azteckich, aż po czasy malarzowi współczesne.
The huge mural called "The Epic of the Mexican people" at the National Palace on Zocalo in Mexico City. It shows history of Mexico since Aztec times till the painter's present - day.
Fresk bardzo jednoznacznie odzwierciedla komunistyczne sympatie Diega Rivery, a jak widać na poniższym fragmencie do duchownych żywił inne uczucia.
The mural shows clearly Rivera's fondness for communists, but as you can see below, he had completly different feelings for priests.
Karl Marx himself shows Mexican workers the goal.
On almost every River's mural you can find Frida.
La Casa Azul znajdujący się w dzielnicy Coyoacán w Mexico City to dom Fridy i Diega. Zgodnie z testamentem Diega Rivery został on zamieniony w Muzeum Fridy Kahlo. Można w nim zobaczyć jej łóżko z specjalnie doczepionymi sztalugami, jej gorsety, obrazy i rodzinne fotografie. Co ciekawe, Diego w testamencie zastrzegł, by nigdy nie otwierać kilku pomieszczeń w tym domu, była nim m.in. jedna z łazienek i jego gabinet. Dopiero gdy w roku 2002 zmarła przyjaciółka Diega i wykonawczyni jego testamentu Dolores Olmedo pomieszczenia te zostały otwarte, znajdowało się w nich archiwum Diega oraz obrazy i suknie Fridy.
La Casa Azul, located in Coyocan in Mexico City, was home to Frida and Diego. Diego Rivera donated the house to the nation of Mexico and the place was converted to Frida Kahlo Museum. The house looks as it did in 1951 and contains f.e. Frida's bed with an easel, her corsets, paintings and family's photographs. What's interesting, Diego in his testimony wanted a few rooms in the house to remain closed forever - a bathroom and his study were one of them. When in 2002 died Dolores Olmedo, Diego's friend and the executor of his testimony, these rooms were opened. They conatined Diego's personal archive and Frida's paintings, clothes and personal artefacts.
And now a bit of gossip -when in 1937 Leon Trotsky obtained an asylum in Mexico, he and his wife were first housed in La Casa Azul. After almost two years Trotsky had to rent his own house, when his wife discovered his romance with Frida.
Huge, heavy Diego and tiny Frida were quite an interesting couple.
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