English version:
Coney Island, the most famous summer spot in Brooklyn, NYV, just nex to the Ocean. First holidaymakers came there in the 1830s and 1840s and the beginning of the XXth century brought a true turistic boom.
Stacja metra Coney Island – Stillwell Avenue, dowozi turystów na plaże i do lunaparku już od 1919 roku. Podróż z Manhattanu trwa dość długo, z okolic Central Parku jedzie się tam metrem nawet ponad godzinę.
Coney Island subway station, Stillwell Av. was built in 1919 and still working. It lasts about one hour to get there from Central Park, Manhattan.
Na Coney Island swoją siedzibę ma najbardziej znany na świecie bar serwujący hot dogi - Nathan's Famous. Międzynarodową sławę zyskał organizując głośne zawody w jedzeniu hot dogów na czas, o których jest głośno nawet w polskich mediach.
Coney Island is also home to Nathan's Famous, the most famous hot dog's bar. Nathan's Famous organizes the very famous hot dogs eating contest, known even in Poland.

Coney Island is also home to Nathan's Famous, the most famous hot dog's bar. Nathan's Famous organizes the very famous hot dogs eating contest, known even in Poland.
Nathan's Famous was founded by Nathan Handwerker, who came to the USA from Poland. He developed his fast food bar very quickly, using a price war. His place sold hot dogs for 5 cents each, while all the others sold them for 10 cents. His rivals tried to use gossip about bad meat to destroy him, but Handwerker was much smarter. He simply paid group of yound men, dressed them in white scrubs and gave them Nathan's hot dogs to eat. If yound doctors wanted to eat that food, it had to be tasty and healthy.
Pierwsze wesołe miasteczko wybudowano na Coney Island w 1897 roku. Obecnie słynie z najstarszego na świecie drewnianego Roller Coastera - Cyclone.
First amusement park was built there in 1897. Today Coney Island is famous for the oldest wooden Roller Coaster - Cyclone.
Typowe nowojorskie przedmieście na Brooklynie. Na tym przedmieściu trafiłem do supermarketu, a w nim na...
A typical Brooklyn neighbourhood. There I went to a supermarket and found...
Najpopularniejsza woda mineralna w USA - Poland Spring. Oczywiście oprócz nazwy, z Polską nie ma nic wspólnego. A sama nazwa pochodzi od nazwy jednego ze źródeł z którego woda jest wydobywana.
The most popular mineral water in the USA - Poland Spring. Of course, the name is the only thing this water has with Poland in common. And the name cames from a spring, from which is drawn out.
Jeśli chruściki to tylko The Oryginal od White Eagle Bakery!
Would you like some chruścik? Only The Oryginals from White Eagle Bakery!