Art deco jest stylem architektury, malarstwa i designu, który swój rozkwit przeżywał w XX-leciu międzywojennym. Art deco było odpowiedzią na secesję, a szczególnie na jej kompozycyjny nieład i przeładowanie elementami dekoracyjnymi. W stylu tym postawiono na prostotę i uporządkowanie brył budynów, nie całkiem jednak zrezygnowano ze zdobień, jak to miało miejsce z rozwijającym się równocześnie modernizmem.
English version:
Art deco is a style of architecture, painting and design, which flourished in the '20s. Art deco was an answer to Secession, especially to lack of compositional orders and lots of decorative elements. That's why art deco is mainly about simplicity and order of solids, but with some ornaments, not as in modernism.
English version:
Art deco is a style of architecture, painting and design, which flourished in the '20s. Art deco was an answer to Secession, especially to lack of compositional orders and lots of decorative elements. That's why art deco is mainly about simplicity and order of solids, but with some ornaments, not as in modernism.
Powoduje to, że do dzisiaj budynki i przedmioty wytworzone w tym stylu zwały się w bardzo dobrym stanie i uchodzą za uosobienie elegancji i dobrego smaku.
Świadczy o tym dobitnie fakt, że wpisujące w Google hasło "Art deco", wyniki wyszukiwania pokazują, że chyba co druga firma w Polsce nosi taką właśnie nazwę i są to firmy zajmujące się bardzo różnymi dziedzinami gospodarki.
The most characteristic thing about Art deco is high quality, good and expensive materials. Copper, stone reliefs, huge surfaces of glass and mirrors, steel and good concrete - Art deco buildings are made of them. In smaller forms decent wood and even more noble metal were also used. That's why buildings and other things designed in Art deco epoch are in such a good shape today and they seem to be a sign of elegance and good taste.
As a curiosity - if you google Art deco, it will show that almost every second Polish company has that name and I am not talking only about design companies. It's probably because of a good quality that term means.
The most characteristic thing about Art deco is high quality, good and expensive materials. Copper, stone reliefs, huge surfaces of glass and mirrors, steel and good concrete - Art deco buildings are made of them. In smaller forms decent wood and even more noble metal were also used. That's why buildings and other things designed in Art deco epoch are in such a good shape today and they seem to be a sign of elegance and good taste.
As a curiosity - if you google Art deco, it will show that almost every second Polish company has that name and I am not talking only about design companies. It's probably because of a good quality that term means.
Nowy Jork był miejscem gdzie Art deco rozkwitło z całą swoją siłą i rozmachem. W tym stylu wybudowane zostały najbardziej znane nowojorskie wieżowce - Empire State Building i Chrysler Building oraz szereg mniej sławnych ale niemniej udanych budowli.
Budynki proste i funkcjonalne, ale niepozbawione ozdób przypadły do gustu bogatym nowojorczykom.
New York is the place, where Art deco has showed its full strenght and size. The most popular buildings, Empire State Building and Chrysler Building, as well as many others, not so famous, were built in that style.
Na zdjęciu poniżej widać artdecowski budynek wentylacyjny i zarazem ozdobny portal do Tunelu Brooklyn-Battery. Tunel został on wybudowany w latach 1940-50.Below you can see Art deco ventilation building and a decorative portal for Brooklyn - Battery Tunel, built between 1940 - 1950.
Wejście do Empire State Building pokazuje jak ówcześni artyści (a przede wszystkim inwestorzy) wyobrażali sobie luksus.
Empire State Building's entry shows exectly how artists (and investors) had imagined luxury then.
Empire State Building's entry shows exectly how artists (and investors) had imagined luxury then.
W stylu Art deco został w końcu lat 20. wzniesiony 43-piętrowy hotel The New Yorker. Jego zewnętrzna bryła jest dość surowa, ale za to we wnętrzach można poczuć się jak gwiazda hollywoodzkiego niemego filmu.
Also The New Yorker Hotel was built in Art deco style in the end of the '20s. Its facade is quite raw, but inside you can feel like a star of silent movie.
Also The New Yorker Hotel was built in Art deco style in the end of the '20s. Its facade is quite raw, but inside you can feel like a star of silent movie.
Główną ozdobą holu jest wielki żyrandol. Ma niespotykany kształt i formę. Świetnie pasuje do ogólnego wystroju i charakteru hotelu.
The hall pride is a huge chandelier. It has completly unseen form and shape and fits great the hotel and its character.
Lampki w pokojach również nawiązują do artdecowskiego designu.
Also lamps in rooms are designed in Art deco style.
Na parterze hotelu mieści się bardzo popularny diner Tick Tock, utrzymany w bardzo przyjemnym stylu lat 50. Jedzenie w nim podawane zaświadcza o najlepszych amerykańskich tradycjach kulinarnych - od stosu naleśników polewanych syropem z chrupiącymi plasterkami bekonu obok do wielkich i pysznych hamburgerów. Aż szkoda, że ten blog traktuje o architekturze, a nie o pożywieniu.
Tick Tock Diner is quite a popular place, located on the Hotel ground floor is designed and kept in a quite nice style of the'50s. Food served there shows the best American culinary traditions - from pancakes stacks served with maple sirop and crispy bacon to huge and tasty hamburgers. It's quite a shame my blog is about architecture and not food.

Tick Tock Diner is quite a popular place, located on the Hotel ground floor is designed and kept in a quite nice style of the'50s. Food served there shows the best American culinary traditions - from pancakes stacks served with maple sirop and crispy bacon to huge and tasty hamburgers. It's quite a shame my blog is about architecture and not food.
Odrobinka prywaty - taki oto prosty obraz przedstawiający Empire State kupiłem sobie na Union Square. Jak Wam się podoba?
And now something private - I bought this simple painting of Empire State Building at Union Square. What do you think?
And now something private - I bought this simple painting of Empire State Building at Union Square. What do you think?
W najbliższym czasie kolejne odsłony nowojorskiej architektury i nie tylko. Zapraszam.
Soon more about New York's architecture!